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Four bad habits that increase your fuel consumption

With gas prices on the rise across the country, it’s no surprise that more and more drivers are looking for ways to reduce their fuel consumption. While public transportation, cycling and walking are obviously the best options for big savings, sometimes you have no other choice but to use your car. At Auto Value, we know that certain habits can increase your fuel consumption. These habits aren’t just bad for your wallet—they’re also terrible for the environment. Read on to learn more about four common habits to avoid if you’d like to maximize your savings at the pump.


1. Ignoring your tire pressure

If your tires are low on air, inflate them to the manufacturer-recommended pressure without delay. If you don’t act soon, you’ll see a difference on your gas bill. For example, if one of your tires is 2 lbs. of pressure short, your fuel consumption will increase around 1%. Now, imagine if all of your tires are under-inflated. You get the idea.

2. Driving too fast

Believe it or not, according to Natural Resources Canada, driving at 120 km/h instead of 100 requires almost 20% more fuel. Why? Simply because your engine needs to work harder to counter air resistance at high speeds, which in turn burns more gas than necessary. So slow down and start saving!

3. Letting your engine idle

An idling engine consumes almost 2 litres of fuel an hour. Cut down on your remote starter use, and shut down your engine while you wait for trains and boats to pass. For more tips, read this article on the Quebec government’s écomobile website.

4. Overusing the A/C

Using your car’s air conditioning significantly increases your fuel consumption, especially while driving in the city. If you don’t absolutely need it, shut it off! Some tips to help you curb your A/C addiction include dressing lighter, keeping a bottle of cold water on hand and, of course, driving with the windows down. On the highway, however, the opposite is true: open windows make your car less aerodynamic, so turning on the A/C becomes the more fuel-efficient option.


Have your car maintained at Auto Value

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your fuel consumption, follow the tips above and have your car regularly maintained by a professional. Make an appointment at one of our workshops today!

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